Hi all,
Our next virtual SPACE group will start 9/18/24 and meet for 10 weeks, 12-1pm EST on Zoom. This is open to families in all PsyPact states and flyer is attached. The group will support you through all of the core components of SPACE as well as review a coping skill each week to use yourself and model for your children, addresses how to recognize and response to child shame and the topic of radical acceptance in parenting. We are now filling this group.
We also have a e-learning SPACE course that is always available. Once you have completed an intake with our clinic to ensure the SPACE program is the right fit, you are able to purchase the course ($200) which consists of 15 videos. This allows families to learn SPACE when and where is convenient for them and then schedule as needed individual sessions with a SPACE provider at TAP for help with implementation.
You can learn more by visiting https://www.tapclinicnc.com/space or emailing: info@tapclinicnc.com