Hi everyone! I am an MSW Intern at the Anixety and OCD Treatment Center of Ann Arbor. I am currently working on submitting an application to the AMA to change the 90832, 90834, and 90837 so that they can be billed for SPACE protocol, since we all know other codes being used do not accurately capture what SPACE is accomplishing. I am interested in the following questions from SPACE providers:
What are you currently billing individual SPACE sessions as?
How often are you using this code for SPACE vs what it is actually intended for? For example, you may use a 90846 for SPACE 80% of the time, and you use it 20% of the time for family therapy without the client?
How long have you been using SPACE protocol?
How often do you implement SPACE protocol in childhood anxiety/OCD cases?
If you have any other insights on this issue, please let me know! Thank you!