Hi, I am the only clinician offering SPACE at an assessment clinic in Northern Ca. We are in constant need of additional therapists to refer to for childhood anxiety. Please let me know if you are providing SPACE in California and have an opening. Thank you
Hello, I'm not sure if this thread is still active, but I'm offering SPACE in Southern California (Ventura County) and virtually all over CA. I have current openings 🤓 Thank you email teva@therapyemail.com and website tevajohnstonetherapy.com
Hi, My name is Kat Schoolland with PracticeSF. I'm an LMFT Child Anxiety/OCD specialist in SF and Marin (Bay Area). I have had wonderful success and very much enjoy the individual work I provide to parents using SPACE. This year I am offering SPACE in virtual group format in hopes of being able to support more families. If there is a family looking for SPACE provider in CA please feel free to pass on our website practicesanfrancisco.com
Hi Beth, I am in Santa Rosa CA. I am going to be away on vacation so I am not taking any new patients at the moment. I will probably have more availability when school starts.
Hi Beth...
I am a School Psychologist and SPACE trained provider in Connecticut.
I do not provide services in California, but I do provide virtual services. While it may seem preferable to provide services in-person, I have seen the benefits of virtual services, especially at this time when providers are so scarce. I would love to speak further with you about this. My name is Jackie Monahan. My website is www.empoweredparentproject.com I hope to connect with you soon.
Jackie Monahan
I am in CA and have had quite a bit of SPACE experience. I am happy to help if I can. I do a free 15 min consult to see if we are a good fit. I am happy to talk to you and your colleagues if you like as well. www.jenniferkuebler.com