I'm still searching for a therapist or counselor, trained in SPACE treatment, who is available to lead (virtually/online) a group of parents who are trying to practice it.
Of course we will pay whatever fee you charge for this type of facilitation, and I think it will also be pretty good online clinical training in a range of families/issues - we are a group of parents of teenagers with anxiety/OCD, from all over the world, and we're eager to practice SPACE.
We have each ordered Dr. Lebowitz's new parents' manual, and if we don't find anyone soon, will just try to do book club style discussion with that.
Here's the link to our Facebook group, if any providers here would like to request to join, and get a feel for the parents and kids: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SPACEtreatmentsupport/
Please contact me or respond here if you are interested in facilitating our group. Thank you!
Hi Emily,
I would love to chat more about leading your FB SPACE parent group. I am recently trained in SPACE; however, I have extensive experience working with families and childhood/teenage anxiety. I'm also trained in CBT, mindfulness, yoga, trauma, somatic therapy, education, etc. You can check me out on psychology today, Kasey Hayden, Ashland, Oregon. I'd be happy chat further via email kaseysunshinecounseling@gmail.com.