Hi, I am very pleased with using the SPACE program with my patient. I had one particular family who was referred to me after seeing three other therapists to help address their son’s OCD. The child was engaging compulsive behaviors (asking questions) at least 3hrs per day and was adamant that he wouldn’t engage in treatment. After doing SPACE, I worked with the family around reducing accommodations, and we saw significant changes right away. The child’s rituals during bedtime went from asking questions for at least 90 mins to 5-10 mins after the 1st week. I was shocked! I have been using SPACE with the family for almost two months now, and the parents tearfully mentioned during a session that for the first time in years, they feel that they are using strategies “that work” and have hope for their future (thanks to this program). I highly recommend for other providers to learn about SPACE.
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