Hello there - I’m trying to find an online group or individual SPACE treatment/coaching ASAP.
For various reasons, I’m caught up in accommodating SO many OCD rituals with my 15 year old son, and I understand the SPACE treatment, but I really need weekly support to implement it.
Of course, time is always of the essence, and yet for me it has become quite urgent - I’m a cancer patient, asthmatic, and now have only one lung. If I get Covid-19, I will likely be in the hospital for awhile, if I survive.
I have four children, who are already traumatized by my past hospital ICU admissions (see my other post in the parent forum for more info) and I am very concerned about how my 15 year old (the youngest) will cope. I know that starting to limit my accommodations now will help.
Surely there is a therapist who is trained in SPACE that needs/wants an online client right now? I am happy to pay OOP.
I live in Sweden and this is a very timely approach. Are there any clinicians in Sweden, preferably in the Gothenburg area. I want to attend a workshop for my son. Are there any programs for training therapists in Europe. The need is gigantic over here.
I am also seeking this treatment with currently no providers that I can find in the Tennessee area. Any advice is welcome!
If you email me directly i can share with your permission your contact info with trained providers and perhaps someone will be able to help online. There are restrictions on providing tele-treatment across state lines but some of these have actually been relaxed in the present pandemic circumstances so that might actually help. my email is eli.lebwitz@yale.edu
Thank you for the reply! I’m in Portland, Oregon and haven’t found anyone in my area. I am seeking online assistance so the therapist could be anywhere.
I’ve posted everywhere I can think of. We are desperate for help, happy to pay out of pocket, etc.
Hi, not sure where you are located but have you reviewed the list of SPACE providers on this website (the 'SPACE Providers' tab)? The network is limited but growing and there may be someone in your area